So here we find ourselves in Advent 2019. It feels appropriate to begin again in Advent. It has been such a beautiful season of preparation here. We have so enjoyed decorating together and hanging the tree and welcoming our elf and lighting the candles each night. My heart is so warm with joy, a deep, abiding joy and I am so grateful.
The Children's Christmas musical at church was "Wise Guys and Starry Skies." Maeve was a baker. The musical was so moving. One young boy sang a song, "My gift is me," and I was moved to tears. The ending line said, "May our hearts be Christ's throne."
Making Gingerbread Houses
Our Advent Devotions this year are from Sweet Melee and they involve reading another name of Jesus every day and learning about the name. The kids wanted "I am" to come first because then they could make sentences. Maeve's favorite name is Bread of Life. And of course, one day, the elf took the place of The Word on the chain of names.