Monday, October 21, 2019

Looking Back, Looking Forward

I stumbled across my old blog posts and it caused me to pause and reflect on where I am on this journey.

This December will be five years since they found a tumor in my brain. After the surgery, chemo and radiation, I have had  five years of clean scans, healthy living and waking up each day to greet my beautiful children and watch the sun rise through my bedroom windows.

I still go for scans every six months and they are still nerve-racking, for sure.  But every time I enter the doctor's office she gives me a clean bill of health.  Often, I don't feel like I can trust her, wondering if she is hiding something or sugar coating things.  And then, I remember that she regularly has to give out the worst news that anyone can possibly hear and that I need to trust her incredible expertise and allow myself to hear the good news that I am still not in any danger.

And every time, Paul and I drive home hand in hand, grateful for the good news.

American Museum of Natural History