Tuesday, November 11, 2014

36th birthday weekend

Paul's office was being moved to a new building so he was off on Friday. We decided to go to see Gone Girl at the movies. It was a 1230 showing but we didn't realize the movie was almost three hours! We raced out of the theater to catch the bus and the bus was late. Finally when we were on our way we knew we would be late to pick up the kids. I texted my neighbor and another parent who both said they would watch the kids on the playground. I was so incredibly grateful in that moment to know a few people well enough to depend on them to help. When we finally got there a bunch of parents just stood around and talked well past dark while the kids played. 

For my actual birthday the weather was supposed to be gorgeous so I wated to be outside. We planned a hike nearby but on the way there Paul realized he was wearing flip flops. We turned around and went to a mall to buy boots.  We decided to change plans a little and do a shorter trail. 

We found the trailhead of Mount Si easily and started up. It was a pretty good incline but nothing like the last one! 

At the top we had an amazing view of the Issaquah valley. 

Saturday night our neighbor invited us over and he made homemade pizza which was amazing. 

Sunday we went to church at Union and stayed for a luncheon and met a bunch of people. 

To finish my birthday weekend we all went out to a seafood restaurant called Chinooks at Salmon Bay and I  enjoyed local crab cakes with an amazing view. (Maeve went as Elsa)

Thank you for all of your birthday love this weekend!

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