Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Our good friends Doug and Lisa invited us to their home in Bellevue for Thanksgiving.  I was really excited because Doug is the best cook I know.  The entire meal was out of BonAppetit and it was fabulous.  Every morsel was amazing.  My job was to provide appetizers.  I made some yummy prosciutto cups filled with a pear blend and a popcorn turkey for the kiddos.  We had a lot of fun with that! 

Though the day was nice and relaxing and gracious, it really made me miss home incredibly.  I've only spent one Thanksgiving away from my family before and I missed everyone terribly.  I missed the kids playing with their uncle and great grandparents.  I missed cooking our two turkeys.  I missed the insane amount of food.  I have so much to be grateful for and I know that my list of blessings is longer than I can even try to list, but maybe next year I can swing two trips home for the holidays.

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