Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Great news!

I had a regular appointment today. My bloodwork came back perfect. All of my numbers are back up! Praise God!

The doctor is going to keep my dose at 300mg instead of 400 mg because my body has not handled the higher dose well. I'll start the next round next Wednesday. 
This will be round 10. If all goes well I'll be done in May. 

I asked when I would be considered in maintenance. The doctor said he would consider me in maintenance now. I'll finish these next three rounds and then I will have routine MRIs. They will never say I'm in remission and they will keep a close eye on me but likely it will be a while until the tumor comes back. 

In the meantime, I'll keep drinking my green juice!

Friday, March 11, 2016


Last month in my struggles, several friends reccomended different natural strategies. I have no problems with that at all. One friend gave me some kimchi which I loved. She made it in this amazing salad. 

 Another friend shared the healing properties if purple carrots and gave me a bag--I loved them!

I started thinking about all of this and remembered that I used to drink a green powder before and I pulled it back out of the cabinet. I usually drink a smoothie in the morning so I just started adding it in. Within days I felt so much better!!! Since then I have had so much energy and I feel so good. The drink is Trader Joe's Super Green Powder. It could be the extended break between rounds as well, but I know the extra vitamins and antioxidants don't hurt. 

I haven't had any bloodwork or appointments but I go in for a routine visit and bloodwork next Wednesday. 

I continue to be amazed by the people God is surrounding me with. My bible study is a strong force of prayer and accountability. They check in with me and are really invested in my well being. My neighbors continue to be amazing by helping and just being good friends. When I look around I just feel blessed and so encouraged!

Glaciers and mountains and lamb, oh my!

After my dramatic week in the ER I was a little worried about my energy level going to Iceland. The jet lag was horrible going East. It is an 8 hour difference and we lost a night of sleep. We were all in a fog the first two days.

We were so blessed to be able to stay in a relative's home in Iceland who by chance was on vacation in the US. We had plenty of space and a great amount of comfort. I think having this haven was a real boost to me to be able to rest quietly. 

On our first night we happily had dinner with Len and Sandra and enjoyed our time catching up. 

The second day we headed to our glacier tour, Into the Glacier. We brought all of our snow gear from home and we were all bundled up. We climbed into a giant "super jeep" and began to drive straight up a mountain. 

We learned later that the vehicles were decommissioned NATO missle launchers! The jeeps had a gps  that kept them on track even when you couldn't see a single thing. One of the jeeps turned on its side and then was able to right itself and keep going!

We got to the top and exited the jeep.  There was a large tunnel into the ground. We made our way through the storm to the entrance. 

We walked down into the glacier(landeskojull).  Once inside, we were literally surrounded by ice on all sides. We walked through all of the underground paths and tunnelsadter we put on crampons. We were able to hear the difference between noise echoes in different depths. 

There was a small chapel with pews. 

There was a large crevasse that went the entire way along the cave filled with great ice formations.

Day 3 we went on a fantastic horseback riding trip on Iceland horses.  This was my favorite part of the week.  We were riding through snow covered mountains, through streams and its was so beautiful!!!

Day 4 we went swimming with Len at one of the amazing geothermal pools and relaxed.  It was wonderful because the ground was covered in snow and we were in the pool!

Day 5 we took the kids into Reykjavik to look around.  We gave them the famous hot dogs and went to the cathedral Hallgrimskirka where Len helps with the English worship services.

Day 6 we made the drive out to the geyser and to the large waterfall, Gullfoss.  We've been to them many times before but the kids are old enough to remember now so we wanted them to see it all again.

We enjoyed every night having dinner with Len and Sandra.  We played games and laughed and enjoyed many wonderful meals, mostly fish.  On the last night we were treated to Icelandic lamb which is so good!!!

We were all sad to go and the kids were teary eyed.  I know, however that that is a sign of a good trip and a loving family!