Friday, March 11, 2016


Last month in my struggles, several friends reccomended different natural strategies. I have no problems with that at all. One friend gave me some kimchi which I loved. She made it in this amazing salad. 

 Another friend shared the healing properties if purple carrots and gave me a bag--I loved them!

I started thinking about all of this and remembered that I used to drink a green powder before and I pulled it back out of the cabinet. I usually drink a smoothie in the morning so I just started adding it in. Within days I felt so much better!!! Since then I have had so much energy and I feel so good. The drink is Trader Joe's Super Green Powder. It could be the extended break between rounds as well, but I know the extra vitamins and antioxidants don't hurt. 

I haven't had any bloodwork or appointments but I go in for a routine visit and bloodwork next Wednesday. 

I continue to be amazed by the people God is surrounding me with. My bible study is a strong force of prayer and accountability. They check in with me and are really invested in my well being. My neighbors continue to be amazing by helping and just being good friends. When I look around I just feel blessed and so encouraged!

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