Friday, January 3, 2020

Christmas 2019

19 is definitely too many pictures for a blog post, but how can you capture all of the preparation and joy and peace that happens in the Christmas season?
Things have been so calm, perhaps a little too calm for me!  It's a good calm.  It's a calm of being thoughtful and praying and resisting the temptation to buy more or be more.  I truly had to resist this urge this year and took solace in friend who reminded me that when I think I need more that Jesus is enough.

The kids thoughtfully picked gifts for each other and lovingly wrapped them.  They baked cookies and built gingerbread houses and lit the advent candles. (Yes, they did it all by themselves which if I was still a momma of littles would give me all of the hope for a life without tantrums and hyper vigilant supervision.)

 It was all so beautiful.  

On Christmas morning I was a little sad because there was no WOW or over the top excitement.  And now a week later, I am sure that feeling is what I actually wanted.  I actually wanted a feeling of contentment, of knowing that we have enough and God is good and we are surrounded by so much love that we need not look anywhere else for our joy. 
Both kids gave me relational gifts which made me so happy.  Maeve gave me a calendar of things we can do together and Noah gave me a mug he made at school and gift certificates to go running together.  

And so, as I begin the process of taking down the decorations,  I can feel so keenly that my cup overflows and I am so grateful.  

Our names of Jesus Advent Calendar.  Candy Cane the elf made a few appearances in the devotion and Maeve's favorite name was Bread of Heaven (Go Figure)

Maeve got first chair in the Christmas concert!

All decorated

Candy Cane gave the ugly doll a haircut

Still waiting!

My favorite cookies.  People and angels all mismatched and broken.  Cookies of true humanity!

Christmas Eve Worship


The kids got ukuleles (and Paul is learning too!)

Christmas morning.  The light of Christ shines!

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