Saturday, April 11, 2020

Maundy Thursday

We baked our own bread today for our Maundy Thursday table service.  This has never happened before.  When the kids were little I dreaded baking with them because it always turned into a screaming match of who got to pour or hold or stir.  Still to this day the kids bicker over who gets to use the stand mixer and who uses the hand mixer.  Seriously children, we own TWO mixers.  That itself is a reason for joy and gratitude.  I guess that will come later in life.  

Luckily this bread recipe didn't require ANY mixers.  And when I realized at noon that we were supposed to make our bread and I checked the recipe I had set aside and realized it required the dough to rise overnight, a quick google search resulted in this fantastic afternoon recipe that would be the answer to my lack of preparation.  

By God's grace we had enough supplies for each child to make his/her own loaf of bread and in just a few short hours, voila! we had two beautiful loaves fit to be broken at the table of the Lord.

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