Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Way behind....

I'm at my mid cycle blood draw and I am keenly aware of how far behind I am in updates. Some of them are even typed and not uploaded. 

I think so many things that I want to remember and I experience so much that I want to share but I have been very focused on what is in front of me in each moment. This means I am trying to be present with each visitor, each request for snuggles, each opportunity for a new adventure. It also means that mail piles and laundry have taken a far back seat. 

The short update is that I'm great. I saw a bib today that said "my cup overflows" and I was drawn to it because life is so full and so messy. I am blessed by rich and deep and solid relationships that once again move me to be full of gratitude for God's bounty. Part of that also recognizes that bounty is a lot. It's like having a truckload of red raspberries dumped on you. So good but hard to manage. 

I'm still tired, still noticing depth perception and vision deficits but they are mild. I'm keeping very busy but I know that is my choice. I just love life too much to sit around. I shared with a friend today at the playground that I pinch myself to remember that the mundane is a privilege. 

So more to come. 

My next MRI is August 5th. Chemo will start again that day. Please pray that there is no regrowth. 

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