Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Maeve's 6th birthday party

Maeve requested a Lego Friends birthday party and I had been slowly slowly gathering items and ideas for the party.  

We were able to use a local church fellowship hall and the space turned out to be perfect.  

Just a week and a half from our move we were still waiting on the rest of my appliances to be delivered (they were backordered) and I was in my second round of chemo.  Somehow we managed to pull off a fabulous party.  

First I figured out that I could bake in my new microwave! It is a convection microwave and you can put a metal pan right in the microwave and bake.  It worked fabulously!

  I ordered as much as I could on Amazon and I knew that it would all work out somehow.  

We got to the church early Saturday morning and Paul set everything up and decorated.  

We had a big table in the center for kids to sit at.  Here they had a little bin of generic legos that they could build at their seat. 

 When everyone showed up the kids were allowed to move between several stations:

1.  Free Build

2.  Make a Journal

3.  Make Lego Flip Flops

4.  Make Lego Jewelry

The kids carefully and quietly meandered through the stations and played.  It was amazing how calm and relaxed everyone was!

After the stations the kids all ate pizza, pop corn and grapes.  We sang Happy Birthday to Maeve, 

and ate our cupcakes 

After the food was all done,then each child got to build a small lego set to keep. 

We all had a great day!


  1. Perfect! Especially Maeve's sweet face!

  2. Happy to see these self-prepared cupcakes for the birthday party. I went for a seminar at one of the sophisticated venue New York arranged by my colleague last week. Renowned caterers were hired and staff was quite attentive towards all the guests.
