Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Almost back to school

I have been waiting for the kids to get back to school because I knew I would finally have time to unpack everything that has been piling up. It has been eating away at me to have everything scattered all over the house without any order or system. I kept September 9th as the day when I would begin to get the house together. Our teachers have been in talks with the school district for months and months and we knew that there were unresolved issues and so it turned out that the teachers decided to strike. We support them and believe their decision was the right one. Today was actually quite an enjoyable day. Noah had a friend over and Maeve went away with a friend so it was kind of like I was alone anyway! The summer has been full of many twists and turns in our life and we have felt very unprepared for some of the challenges in our path, but today I felt such a great calm about everything. Noah made a competitive rock climbing team for kids age 9-19. He will practice 3-4 times a week and it will be difficult, but he is very excited and is happy to have something he loves. Paul is excited about that too and wants to climb with him when he can. Noah's classroom assignment puts him in a room with his best buddies and I am so grateful for that. Maeve is starting a new gymnastics academy and local soccer. She also wants to sign up for Daisies so she and I can have a special activity together. I finally convinced Paul to sit down with me and do some planning for schedules and food and chores and I think we both feel so much better about the fall and what is in store. Paul and I both have retreats (men's and women's) coming up at church that we are excited about. There are some other great things in process that we are praying about and hoping will work out. I realized a few months ago that I was always drawn to the seasons of the church because I could handle things for a season. I played basketball in high school and I loved that it was short sprints back and forth and not a constant run. I like new beginnings and new things. I like change. I like a time to regroup an a time to finish! And so in the church I was always drawn to Advent and Lent as times to really focus, at least for a short while, on one idea, one concept, one book and then finish and move on. I'm hoping and praying that this new season gives us some stability and clarity and a little bit of peace. I am very focused on this time and grateful for fall. The leaves are changing here and it is cool and refreshing. Pumpkin and apple and nutmeg are on the way and I can taste the warmth of my afternoon tea in my favorite mug on a rainy PNW day.

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