Thursday, February 4, 2016

Highs and lows

I had my check up today. 

The great news is that my scans continue to be completely clear. This is ultimately the most important information. 

In other news my blood counts continue to plummet. 

As I said before, a healthy adult has a platelet count of 150-450. Today I measured at 60. This is the lowest count I have had yet. 

Low platelets cause bruising and bleeding. I am to go to the ER if I get a nose bleed or if I get a cut that doesn't stop bleeding. 

My white blood cell count is 2.5 and a healthy count is 4.5 to 10. This number is my ability to fight infection. 

My blood pressure came in at a whopping 88/50. 

I go back for bloodwork again Monday. If my numbers go down again significantly, the next step is to talk about a blood transfusion. 

So, in response to this news, I will not start my next round until we return from our trip to Iceland on February 21. In addition, he decreased my dosage for the next round to 300 mg. 

These numbers explain why I am so tired and why I am unable to get through the day or walk up the steps. The doctor said that my body and bone marrow are responding to the increased and prolonged exposure to toxicity. 

The news is not unexpected. And in some ways it is a huge relief. I left the office smiling because now I will be able to enjoy the holiday and the trip a little bit more. 

 I'm hoping and praying Monday goes well and my body bounces back soon. 

Time for a nap. 

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