Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 1 82314

We left Polo Run at 8am and headed to the airport. I checked 7 bags! We said our last goodbyes and headed inside.

Jesus Calling today said "Entrust your loved ones to Me; release them into my protective care. They are much safer with me than in your clinging hands.  If you let a loved one become an idol in your heart, you endanger them and yourself."  It is so hard to let go of the thoughts about what we will miss and who we will miss and focus on God and God's plans.

Thanks for the ride Matt and Yaz!

There wasn't a single person in line at security!!! We relaxed at a restaurant and boarded on time. The flight was smooth and everyone was happy. 

When we landed we were all giddy. Paul was waiting for us and the kids bombarded him with hugs and kisses... it was teary for sure.  We crammed all the luggage into the mazda and headed "home."  Paul had flowers and black licorice for me, toys for the kids, a picnic packed for dinner with local salmon and red wine.  It was fantastic!  Paul's friend Doug brought over scooters and toys for our kids to play with which felt like Christmas to them.

We sat and played and smiled at each other.

Months ago I kept tripping over Isaiah 43 and now it is one of those texts that will never leave my side...

Isaiah 43:19 

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.


For sure, God, I don't perceive it... most of the time I miss it.  But if you can make a way where there seems to be nothing and if you can make those dry lands full of water I suppose I should believe you.  And I do.

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