Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday 82614

Today was a rough day.... but that happens every now and then, huh.

I started off with a great morning run/walk along Elliot Bay for a solid 90 minutes of sunrise and waterfront.  It was so beautiful and so energizing.

When I got home the kids got up and got ready to go and register for school and I finally had all of the paperwork and documentation I needed to get the kids settled.  I drove to the office building which was in a dubious neighborhood and we went inside to find pure chaos.  We got in the enrollment line which was 50 people deep and waited.  Almost 2 hours later we made it to the front of the line.  While waiting the kids were a mess!  Noah kept knocking over the line markers, Maeve laid on the ground screaming and much fun was to be had.  The best part was when Maeve in her best 5 year old whining voice screamed across the room to a muslim family -- WHY CAN'T I HAVE ONE OF THOSE HEADCOVERINGS?  I WANT A PURPLE ONE!

It was pure bliss.

I was praying the whole time I had all of the right paperwork when we got to the front so that we wouldn't have to come back.  We got checked in and entered into the system and then they came to tell us that the school zone we thought we were in was changed and redistricted in May.  Instead of being in a  10/10 school we are in a 2/10 school.  In Seattle you can request to go to another school which I did but we are on a wait list.  I tried not to get too upset in front of the kids and quietly left the building having a meltdown internally only.

We stayed on course and headed to get school supplies in the University District which was cool (I love college kids).  I got a much needed pick me in in a Pumpkin Spice latte and off to buy colored pencils we went.

After the store I remembered I had seen another cool ice cream place and we walked to that was called Full Tilt.  They turn every cone of ice cream upside down and it stays in.  It was a super hip hole in the wall place and I loved it.


Paul got home to a grumpy trio and we took our marinated flank steak to our awesome mezzanine deck and grill area and just took deep breaths in the cool evening Seattle breeze while the kids played in the "yard." So grateful for the 7th floor.

Because the weather has been insanely gorgeous the mountains were super clear tonight.

Jesus Calling today said "Trust me in the midst of a messy day...."  I didn't do so well with that.  
John 14 --  Do not let your hearts be troubled.... do not be afraid.  I'll keep working on that.  

I needed the evening reminder of beauty. 

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