Friday, February 20, 2015

Love and logic

I haven't read it, but apparently there is a parenting book called Love and Logic about allowing children to make choices and then letting them deal with the natural consequences. If a child wants to go out without a coat then they learn that it's cold without a coat. If they don't eat their food they learn that they are hungry without dinner. We have been having a sock battle in our house for many months. Maeve refuses to wear any socks except this one pair we bought for the first day of school.  I don't do laundry that often and so she will wear them for many days in a row with no qualms and refuse any other socks. I'm pretty sure the socks can walk and talk now but it really doesn't do her any harm, I suppose. She held her feet up the other night and I could see her bare skin through the remainder of the socks! Her loving grandparents looked high and low to find a new pair that is exactly the same and when I asked her to wear them she said "I'm just not ready yet, Mom. 

I guess we all hold on to things that maybe it's time to let go of. I suppose when it's time she'll be ready! 


  1. Maeve gets this from her daddy who at one time in his life wore the same sneakers every day without socks and you can image the results. Maybe it was when he fainted when he bent over to pull them on that he realized what we all knew already.

  2. We have that book. It's fantastic and I recommend it to anyone who has kids. As for the socks, let her take her shoes off at a friend's house and see what she does with that feedback! Ha!
