Sunday, March 8, 2015

Full of wonder... not that kind

I finally received a call from the Proton Center on Wednesday telling me that treatment would begin next Wednesday or Thursday and that they are almost ready for me.  I had been anxiously awaiting that call but when I got off of the phone my heart sunk with the realization that it would actually be starting. I still don't have appointments set up and I reminded the scheduler that I need to set up rides and need to plan and organize how to get to the center and how to get home and she assured me I would know soon.

So many of you have shared so many different experiences of how you or ones you love have felt through their own experiences of chemo or radiation.  Some people have sailed through, others have struggled and it proves that there really isn't a standard for how my body will receive the drugs and the treatment.  I've read every brain tumor support group website and forum about experiences during the Temodar regimen and it is hit or miss.  Some people are sick all the time and others don't notice any real changes and so I just have to wait and see how I will respond.  The good thing is that soon enough I won't be wondering any more and I will know my response and then I can stop agonizing over what it will be like.

Specifically this week if you would pray that my fear about the treatment is removed and that the first couple days go smoothly that would help.

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