Monday, March 2, 2015

The mask on prime-time

If you've been following Grey's Anatomy, this season Dr. Herman has a brain tumor.  (I googled some of this to find exact episodes and it says that Grey's Anatomy is a SOAP OPERA.... it is not a soap opera.  It is a very serious and real life story of people who happen to work in a hospital.... someone should tell them it is real).  In any case, this past week Dr. Herman had to undergo radiation for her tumor and it gave a very real portrayal of the mask and how it is clamped in and how the lasers line up on the mask.  The episode is called "Staring at the End" if for some reason you are dying to see more of this horrendous mask business.  I don't know what happens next week so I don't know if you should watch it because it is hard to watch.  After watching this episode and remembering how hard the "practice" session with the mask was, I may ask for some valium before sessions.

No more news on the home front.  I'm enjoying the nice spring weather here, soaking in these mountain top moments and trying, rather unsuccessfully, to focus on doing things that have long term value.  (Laundry and bills still pile up, darn it!)

As always...  I REALLY appreciate all of your comments, notes, emails, letters, cards and more.  I feel that for many people who are reading this, we are getting to know each other in a new way which is pretty interesting for me, and I think for many of you.  There are so many people who I don't know well or perhaps even at all who have come up to me and mentioned that they read the blog and check for updates and that they are praying.  Thank you so much.....


  1. I have never seen Grey's Anatomy. Maybe one day I'll tune in to see what all the hype is about :)

  2. Just a little note to let you know I'm an avid reader here. It's partly to hear how you're doing but more to witness to your profound faith and to celebrate the family that has grown around you and with you since we last saw each other.
