Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cama beach and the next round....

We just returned from a few days on camano island with a bunch of friends from our neighborhood. It was a really nice and simple time. The park was filled with rustic cabins that were directly on the water. 

Paul and I went out for a quiet canoe  ride alone (!) on the Saratoga sound.

As we were paddling back to the beach we noticed there was a huge seaweed colony growing under our boat and then a giant red hawk swooped over us after being perched on a dead tree.  I was so aware of how there is so much life happening that we aren't aware of. Some  of the people we are camping with set crab traps and caught enough crabs for dinner. They went out on our canoe and set the traps and when they returned the traps were full. Again the life was flourishing under the surface invisible to the human eye but so much was happening and LIVING. 

I was reminded so keenly that there is so much good and beautiful life happening all around me that God sees and is pleased by and I am caught up in the business of death. I am consumed by lists and expectations and defeat that I too often fail to notice all that is so good and perfectly and harmoniously unfolding. It's as if there is a symphony of God's  doing and I'm only focused on one instrument out of tune. 

I can picture the crabs and the seaweed and the hawk and my children's dirty feet after riding bikes well past dusk.  I just need to remember and to focus and to enjoy this abundant life. 

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