Saturday, August 29, 2015

Vacation Day 4 Lemolo Lake

We had planned to go to Crater lake several days but several roads to get there were closed and the drive around would take 3 hours. We made a great choice to stay at the lake for the day. 

Paul and Noah jumped in early into the freezing water while we hung out at the dock. 

We decided to rent a motor boat, buy some inner tubes and play in the water for the day. We packed a lunch and explored the lake. To be out in the sun on the water and not driving was good for all of us. 

We let the kids practice driving the boat, we stopped at several points and jumped in, and we pulled the kids on the tubes behind us. It was a fabulous time. We pulled over at a beach and the kids were digging and playing happily until we heard a scream around the world. Noah said he cut his foot on a rock in the water and he was hysterical. We loaded the boat back up and headed to the cabin. After some ice cream and band aids we thought all was well, but after hours of waiting the cut was still bleeding through the band aids and not clotting. At about 9 pm Paul and Noah headed to the nearest hospital--almost 2 hours away.  The cut was exactly where his big toe met the pads on his instep. They gave him 4 stitches and Paul said he scared everyone in the hospital with his screams while they gave him a novicaine shot. 

At about 2 AM Paul and Noah finally returned home. Poor Noah was such a trooper. 

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