Thursday, August 6, 2015

MRI Results/Doctor's Update

I had another regular MRI yesterday and a follow up with my doctors. I was particularly anxious yesterday and I am not sure why, but I just had a terrible feeling going into the appointments. The Radiology department was 50 minutes behind schedule and so there were a lot of anxious patients hanging around. I think they schedule brain tumor patients on the same day, likely when the doctors are in the office, because there are always lots of craniotomy scars floating around. My MRI tech played some sort of really loud and aggressive hip hop music during my scan which was awful. I can request and next time I'll request classical music. I rushed up to my appointment after the MRI and the doctor said the scans looked fine. She showed us the cavity and the surrounding tissue which looked similar to last time. There are some white cloudy areas a little behind the cavity that they are calling post radiation scar tissue. Apparently the radiation does some damage to the healthy tissue (which we knew) and that area then becomes obvious on scans. They will watch that tissue closely to see if it changes or darkens over time. She did not have any concerns about the scan. I have been having some numbness in my feet over the past week and I shared that with her as well. There is a likely chance that there is mild seizure activity causing these episodes and some other symptoms. The doctor assured us that a mild focused seizure is completely normal because there is an empty hole in my brain and it causes misfires while the brain tries to readjust and understand what is happening. The mild seizures are in no way related to any tumor growth. The doctor asked me to keep a log at this point and just monitor when it is happening. She said there is a lot of room to increase my seizure medicine but for now she just wants to watch it. Last month I tolerated the 300 mg. of TMZ/chemo much better than the first month and so she decided to up my dosage to 400 mg because that is what my treatment plan calls for. As long as I can tolerate the higher dosage they will keep me there to maximize the benefits of the medicine. At my last visit the doctor recommended an ample time for activity and for rest to be scheduled into each day to help me manage the medicine and to keep a routine. It's a lovely idea, but unfortunately it is not a reality. The need for frequent naps in addition to short term memory loss and confusion added to two emotional and active children doesn't allow for a smooth flow to the day. I am active in the sense that we are on the go as usual, so I suppose that counts. I have been focused on the prescription to "live life as if everything is normal" which came out of another visit and so I am trying desperately to maintain grocery shopping, laundry, and regular household duties. Slowly but surely we are moving into our new house. Olivia (a friend from West Chester staying with us for a little) has worked endlessly to help us with painting our interior. This weekend the exterior will be painted which I am very excited about. Unfortunately we are still living under a mound of boxes but we are sorting our way through. Thank you for your continued words of prayer and support. I value each and every one and it helps me to feel connected to you. My next appointment is on September 3rd and it will be a regular appointment with no MRI.


  1. Thinking of you and checking through your blog. I am so grateful for your updates so that I know how to pray more specifically. I love seeing your pictures of your great adventures! Love you and continuing to pray for you!

  2. I hope and pray that your MRI works out well and that the doctor is happy with the result. My husband had a similar scenario, he had been going to regular MRI's and the doctors were just not happy with what they saw. Unfortunately they never really found out how to help him. With you I know they will succeed.

    Kacey @ Glendale MRI
