Saturday, December 12, 2015


I had my appointment last week. Of course I was nervous, especially when the tech said she needed a few additional scans. I met with my doctor afterward. He said the scans look clear and my blood levels are back at 100 which is great news. 

I asked him if the course was to continue with treatment or to stop. He didn't hesitate and said we keep going. They don't have studies for my diagnosis, but grade 4 tumor patients who complete 12 months have better results. If the treatment gets too hard I can request to stop. 

So here I am at the beginning of round 6. Half way. It seems daunting and I will have some huge bash when I'm finished round 12. 

All of this is balanced wonderfully by the fact that I continue to feel great and I feel like my life is full of normalcy and ordinary days. What a gift!!

It sounds cheesy but when I heard we were moving forward all I could think about was my friend Erin and I singing Onward Christian Soldiers from the old E and R hymnal at St. John's. We used to stand in our pew and march when we sang it. Though that really isn't one of my favorite songs anymore, I hold on to the smiles and giggles we had fully enjoying the song. We surely weren't aware of the great battles that were ahead for either of us, but every time I hear the word onward I am returned to a place of joy, ready to march on. 
So here's to a fabulous Christmas full of new life and great joy!

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