Monday, October 20, 2014

Disney Cruise Day 6

FWe could hardly wait for the special day at Castaway Cay.  This is Disney's private island in the Bahamas that only Disney Cruise ships can go to.  We had heard magical things about it and we were super excited.  As we pulled up in the morning it looked amazing.  We got off the boat and there were some quick showers that didn't last long.  We had arranged for snorkeling gear to be waiting for us and we got everyone ready to go. Maeve was skittish but she had a great life jacket on and so she just kind of bobbed above us when we would go under water.  The farther we went out into the water the cooler it was.  We saw purplish blue fish and yellow and black fish like Dory on Nemo and lots of different colors of coral and fish.  It wasn't spectacular like you see in snorkeling dives but this was off the beach and a perfect introduction for Noah and I to snorkeling.  I can't imagine how great it must be somewhere on a reef! We spent a good deal of time snorkeling and then just playing in the gorgeous ocean.

We stopped for lunch at the Disney BBQ in the middle of the island with hot dogs, hamburgers, ribs, fried chicken, and all sorts of sides and desserts and several stations for soft serve ice cream.  

After we ate a little we headed to the second beach area which had a tall pirate structure with water slides built into the ocean.  Paul and the kids did the slides while I read.  

We had heard that the Adult beach on Castaway Cay, Serenity Bay was the highlight of the island.  At this port Disney moves the Kids Club outside and onto the beach so adults can go to Serenity Bay.  We dropped them off and they headed into a huge game of beach capture the flag.  

We took the tram to Serenity Bay.  It was magnificent and seemed very untouched.  It was quiet and peaceful there.  The water was very rough however, likely because some storms were brewing in the Carribbean and so we spent our time mostly on the beach.  The colors of the water were magical and it was really special.

We didn't stay too long, however and grabbed the kids for one last dunk in Castaway Cay.  Noah and Paul headed off to an obstacle course over the water and Maeve and I played in innertubes.  

Castaway Cay was amazing because it was like a water park, a back yard barbeque, perfect beaches and water all together. Towels were already there for you, life jackets for chilren, trams to transport you, there was nothing to think about or worry about at all.  

We waited until the very last minute to get out of the ocean.  We took the very last tram back to the boat.  We didn't want to leave!!!!!!

As we headed back onto the ship we saw that there was a PJ party for the kids so we could pack and so they ran to put their pajamas on.  We packed quickly and easily and still had time to spare before dinner.  We changed the kids quickly and headed into one more dinner at Animators palate.  Every night at the end of dinner the kids club counselors would come into the meal and ask if any kids wanted to go and play.  

                      Our Servers Carina (from Argentina) and Andre (from Jamaica)

Adults don't even have to stand up to walk them to the club.  Every other night we had said no since we were never done dinner until almost 10, but tonight we let them go and they were sooo excited. Paul and I just sat on the deck and enjoyed the ocean breeze and relaxed.  

At 11 we picked them up and took them back to the room.  They were sooo tired.  I had read that thecharacters  will sign anything you drop off at the concierge and so on the first day I had two white pillow cases delivered to them.  On the last night they put them on the kids beds so that they could see them as they went to sleep.  They were thrilled to pieces.  

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