Sunday, October 19, 2014

Rikki Tikki Tavi

The Seattle Public Schools have an agreement with the Seattle Children's Theater and the schools have the option to buy very reduced tickets to their shows.  Noah's third grade class will go to three shows this year at the theater.  There was supposed to be a show next Friday but we were going to be away because of our cruise so I purchased tickets for Noah and I to go before we left.  The kids from the school walk about a mile into the city to see the show which I think is awesome.  My kids and I walked into the city to meet Paul for dinner and then Paul and Maeve were going to head back on the bus while Noah and I saw the show.  In order to get downtown we had to go down some VERY steep sets of steps.  I think there are over 100 sets of these steps in Queen Anne (I read about it somewhere... I'll find it and post).  The kids loved it but I was nervous they were going to fall and crack their heads open on the cement -- they are steep!  But the view the whole time we were walking we had a perfect view of the cityscape and it was beautiful!

We walked through an outdoor art installation at the Seattle Ballet and into the Seattle Center (which is where the space needle is).

We had a great Mexican meal and then Noah and I headed to the show.

Rikki Tikki Tavi is a story by Rudyard Kipling.  Noah's class read the story and we had it at home as well in a book combined with the jungle book.  The show was cute and all of the kids were entranced.  I love to see their little brains processing theater.

After the show was over the characters came back out and allowed the kids to ask questions and to dream beyond the garden in the story about their dream gardens.  Then the actors asked the kids to come forward to ask any other questions or to get autographs.  It was really neat!!!!

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