Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Beginning Round 7

Today I had my routine check up.  I have felt so good over the last few weeks.  I've been full of energy and enthusiasm.  I felt like my energy didn't even really tank over Christmas, either, and I am grateful for that.

At my appointment, however, my doctor shared that my blood counts are not good again.  I can't remember all of the numbers.  My platelets are down, my white blood cells are at 2 and should be above 4 to start treatment (a normal person's range is 4-11).  His first reaction was to tell me to wait to begin my Temodar.  He then asked me to wait for another test to analyze the kinds of white cells that are struggling.  He was specifically looking for my neutrophil counts, which are the white blood cells that come from the bone marrow and have the ability to fight off bacterial infections.  He sent me home and told me that a nurse would call me later with instructions.

I was assuming that I wouldn't start tonight, but around 8pm, my nurse called to tell me that even though my counts are low that my neutrophils are doing okay and that I should begin this round of chemo.

In a strange way, I was disappointed.  I should be happy that my counts are good enough to continue treatment, but I thought I could put it off for a few more days.

The last round caused so much nausea that I sat next to a bucket for hours each day.  I was taking the maximum dose of Zofran and I couldn't take any more than I was.  The doctor called in a second prescription for another nausea medicine to take in addition to the Zoran. The second medicine should combat the nausea, but will cause drowsiness and may inhibit my ability to drive.  I have these medicines on hand now and so I should be able to do a little better this time.

Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to it.  (which is sort of amusing, because no one would look forward to it!)

But again, it is just a few days and then I'll bounce back again.

5 more months.

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