Sunday, January 31, 2016

Round 7, check

Round 7 was another trip through the ringer. My nausea was worse, as expected. I only took the second medicine once because it made me fall asleep and I didn't want that. So, I took my Zofran, a little more than I was supposed to, but I needed it. I also found that gum and ginger mints helped so much. 
It was a weird round in that I didn't sleep as much and the severe part of it didn't last as long, but I felt as though It seemed to drag out a very long time. I didn't recover until a few days ago (2 weeks post meds). I was so drained and sluggish. I couldn't climb steps without taking a break and my appetite was gone. 

I went to bed really early a few nights ago and Paul asked why. I told him I still wasn't back to myself. As we layed (lie?) together we were chatting and I asked why I had my appointment next week already, so close to the last one. But when we did the math, it has been a full cycle. I was shocked and surprised because I didn't get that recovery time. I started to panic because Valentine's Day is coming and I don't want to mess up the fun for my kids. In addition we are traveling to Iceland soon and I realized all that I will have to do to prepare, in the middle of a treatment cycle. Paul comforted me as usual and promised to take care of everything. I just have to be okay with it not being perfect, which as you know is a great struggle. I continuously set myself up for disappointment. I guess I have to learn to be okay with that too!!!

And so here I am, a few days away from another MRI and another dreaded torture week. And yet, I'm alive and relatively well and I'm grateful for the opportunity of each day. So I'll enjoy 4 days of feeling great!! I covet your prayers on February 4th!

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