Saturday, January 10, 2015

And it looks like the wait continues

Many of you have said, "no news is good news."  Let's hope that is the case. I left a message with the doctors office yesterday but did not get a response. So, it looks like we will have to wait until next Thursday or Friday. 

We had the at home nurse stop by yesterday, and that went well.  A nurse will be here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to check on her.  Today a physical therapist will be coming to the house to work with Steph. I believe an occupational therapist will also be out to visit at some point. 

The plan continues to be to get Steph healthy and strong while we wait for the report from the doctors. 

God bless!


  1. Waiting sucks. But, know there are lots of us waiting with you!! Sending healing thoughts your way!

  2. Thinking of you guys. Starting to see flowers in Seattle. Weird Right.
    Hoping that the new week brings good news.
