Saturday, January 3, 2015

The day after

Yesterday in the ICU was primarily about keeping Steph comfortable. She had a good amount of pain, which is understandable as she just had her skull pried open. There was also the nausea from the anesthesia. She has never done well with anesthesia so this was no surprise either. 

At about 1am, she ate some applesauce and drank some ginger ale. For myself, I finally went to sleep. 

I woke up about 30 minutes ago. The doctors were doing their rounds. They gave her the typical neurological exam that everyone does when they greet her (what's you name?, where are you?, what year isn't?, squeeze my fingers, push on them, pull on them, smile, stick out you tongue, etc etc). They told me things are looking good. She has an MRI scheduled (they are taking her as I write), and will likely be moved back to the step-down unit. The physical therapists will then visit. She could be discharged as early as Sunday!!!

While I was sleeping the nurse removed her head dress so the wound can be expose to the air. Her arterial line was removed as well as her catheter. 

I have only been up for 30 minutes, but this has been a pretty good day so far!!

(Oh, and I just counted, she has 28 staples in her head)


  1. Great news! Praying for good results from MRI

  2. Great news! Praise God! Will continue to pray for continued good healing and results.

  3. Keeping her in my thoughts for a easy recovery

  4. Fabulous news. I hope there continue to be good results from the MRI and pathology, and that you get to go home soon!

  5. Paul - Great News! Thank you so much for sharing! We know these are anxious times and as we go about out day we think of your family often. Keep your strength and spirit up! Know that there is an ARMY of family and friends keeping you guys in our prayers.

  6. Thankful to hear the positive progress. Keeping you all in my prayers
