Monday, January 5, 2015

Day six

So, I hear people want to know what's going on ... Sorry for the slow down in posts :-P.  Not a lot has changed, which is why I have been silent. 

She had the PT and a occupational therapist come yesterday. She walked part way down the hall and had her sit in a chair in the room. She was a bit dizzy for it, but did pretty good. 

Her appetite is starting to come back as well. She had some pancakes and fruit this morning. She has also been up a lot more. However, today I'm actually sleepy and she wants to talk. I guess that's a good thing, but I'm exhausted. Oh well, it is good to see her getting better. 

The doctors removed her Hemovac today as well (it's a tube that goes under the wound with slight suction to draw away the fluids building up around from wound).  

The PT is back again today. They will likely hold her until tomorrow or Wednesday. So they can ensure it is safe to discharge her.   They have her walking down the hall with a walker!  She's doing awesome. 

As for timelines:
- Pathology report takes 5-10 days. I'm hoping for Friday, but might be next week
- She has a follow up in 2 weeks with the doctor to remove the staples. 
- At that 2 week appointment, they will assess when she will be able to fly back to Seattle
- The kids and I will likely stick around at least until we get the pathology report. Then, I need to get them back to school. Plus, we are in the process of trying to buy a house and the cats are still home. 

There are a lot of things out of our hands at this point, so much is just a day to day plan. 


  1. Thanks for the update. I think about you all the time.

  2. you guys are always in my thoughts and prayers. give the kiddos a hug for me and give yourself one as well. :)

  3. Stephanie and you are continually in our prayers and it sounds good the HUP wants to keep her longer instead of just letting her go way too soon. We love you, Afi and Amma

  4. Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts from Seattle!

  5. Paul, we have an empty and partially furnished condo at 1324 S. Broad Street. Please do not hesitate to use it. I can get a key to you today. Feel free to Google it I believe it is still on Zillow. Steph has my cell phone number.

  6. Checking every day for updates. Holing you all close in prayer. sounds like Stephanie is regaining her strength steadily.
