Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day eight!

We are being discharged today!!  Just waiting on some paperwork and a shower for Steph. Yeah!!!

So, it seems the tumor team meets every thursday. The hope is they will discuss Steph's pathology report tomorrow and we will find out more then. But, if not, we have to wait until next Thursday :-( 

The pain medication she is on fully wipes her out as well. At this point, even if she was cleared to fly, I would not want her to do so by herself. So, we will see how things go on a day to day basis. 

Speaking of flying and Seattle, we have only been there for 6 months, and the community and support we have there already is amazing. One of my best friends from high school lives there and has been helping keep an eye on the house and cats. Plus, the friends we have made in the neighborhood and from the elementary school have started to rally and setup a Mealtrain!  I am floored!  Knowing that no matter which coast we are on, we have people to help us is not only amazing, but helps me to help Stephanie. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people in our lives. 


  1. Happy Discharge Day! Yay!!! Love you!

  2. Dear Stephanie & Paul, You don't know me but I'm a friend of Amy Weigand's. I saw her post asking for prayers prior to your surgery. I just wanted to reach out and say I understand what you are going through. My Mom had a brain tumor removed on April 24, 2014. So much hits you all at once..a diagnosis and then the next thing you know, you're in surgery. I am so inspired by what you write of your faith and my Mom has been a true testimony to the miracles God can perform. I'll add you to our prayer list. Sending you blessings and prayers, Suzy

  3. Hope when we awake in a few hours that you are home and out of the hospital. We keep praying and trusting. Love,
    Dad and Sandra
