Monday, January 5, 2015

The blog

I don't normally post on Steph's blog. Hence, why I call it her blog. But, you guys must really love my writing!!  When I look at the page stats, one of articles I have written has over 1000 page views!


She's back in ICU ... Yeah

Jan 2, 2015, 13 comments


Back to the step-down floor

Jan 3, 2015, 5 comments


The first wait ...

Jan 2, 2015, 6 comments


I know it is not my prose that brings you here, but your love for my family and especially for my amazing wife Stephanie. 

We have prayers and support flowing I from all over the world, from Iceland to Japan to Sesttle and Philadelphia. I get a little choked up every time I read one of your comments of support. 

I know I have said thank you before, but I don't think I could ever do it enough that you all would fully understand. But, I will try .... Thank you!!


  1. Count me as one of the page viewers. I am an Oxford moms club friend from years ago. With friends/family members who have gone thru brain tumor diagnoses, I am praying for you all daily and especially praying for the best possible outcome. God bless Stephanie and Paul and the children.

  2. So many people love you and your family. You are such wonderful people. Continued prayers for healing. Jennifer Berg - Oxford PA

  3. Paul- thank you for writing! I'm sure Steph will be glad to have a record of this time a well.
